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Rosebank School’s Governing Body Constitution comprises ten governors:

1 Local Authority governor – appointed by the Local Authority

1 Headteacher – appointed by the Governing Body

2 Parent governors – elected by parents

1 Staff governor – elected by staff

5 Co-opted governors – appointed by the Governing Body

Quorum for Full Governing Body meetings is 5 (one half of the membership of the governing body, not including vacant positions, rounded up to the nearest whole number).  The normal term of office for a governor is 4 years.

Clerk to the Governing Body is appointed by the Governing Body on an annual basis.  

We currently have 1 vacancy.

Current Members of the Governing Body  

LA governor proposed by the Local Authority, appointed by the Governing Body


Head Teacher

Adam Westwater

Term of office 04.01.21-03.01.25

Parent Governor


Parent Governor

Helen Jones

Term of office


Co-opted Governor

Ruth Elliott

Term of office 12.11.21 - 11.11.25

Co-opted Governor

Jackie Boyer

Term of office: 02.12.20 - 01.12.24

Chair of Governors

Mr Stewart Chidlow

Term of office 11.11.22 - 16.10.23

Co-opted Governor

Tom Makin-Bell

Term of office 17.10.19 - 16.10.23

Co-opted Governor

Stephanie Davies

Term of office 24.06.21 - 23.06.25

Staff Governor

Josephine Smith

Term of office 19.10.21 - 18.10.25