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We offer Outreach and Training services to mainstream schools to improve outcomes for   autistic pupils across Cheshire West and Chester and beyond.

Our Objectives:

  • To support the development of the settings; own expertise and resources to meet the child's needs
  • To celebrate and share good practice
  • To support all educational settings in making provision to meet the needs of all children

Outreach is not a pathway to a change of placement, but instead looks to facilitate
successful mainstream placement.

Support can take the form of individual pupil support, staff training (individual, small group or whole school) or support for a whole cohort where there is a significantly high level of need.

We can also provide support for ECTs as part of their ECF coverage.

If you require outreach support and are in a Cheshire West and Cheshire school, please
complete the form below and send to

This is free to CWAC schools.

If you require outreach support and are outside the local authority, please contact us via and we will be in touch.

We also offer training through the Autism Education Trust (AET). Please check the AET
website for upcoming training sessions.

Outreach Feedback

I would just like to say a really big thank you to you both, one for the outreach support and report you produced for us to support Tom* in school and for speaking with his Mum yesterday. 

The advice you gave to myself and Tom's 1:1s has been really valuable, we all felt the 45 minutes we spent speaking with you both and the session Faith provided in the Autumn Term gave us more of an insight into how to support Tom than other training we have received. This is not to say other training we have received as a team has not been beneficial but your advice gave us very real and very practical strategies to use and work on. We are all really grateful. 

I would also like to thank you for being so kind and approachable for Tom's Mum over the phone yesterday. I find myself limited on advice I can give to Tom's Mum so I am really grateful you were able to help so much.  

I will keep you updated on how the strategies are working. It would be great to catch up if you have any availability to meet again? 

February 2021

Training Feedback

This has been very useful. I now understand a lot about the children emotions and how to help. The introduction to colour coded "How are you feeling?" Will be a great help.

Training for Taxi drivers and Personal Assistants. September 2021


*Feedback anonymised.